Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Message from Tara Ramos, Co-Chair

Have you ever wondered how you came to be a records and information management professional, or at least how you became associated with the responsibility?  If your answer is, "Well it just fell in my lap."  Then you, my friend, are not alone.  Most of us in the field of records and information management did not choose this field - rather it chose us.  In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, "We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate; the world is all gates, all opportunities."

Imagine a RIM world guided by you, the Records Management Inventor, setting sail on the S.S. RIM Warrior on a voyage of (e)discovery guided by RIM greatness.  A world by which there are no duplicates, and all electronic and paper gates are managed by the opportunistic RIM programs for which we all live and breathe by.

Now, I know you are thinking that I am crazy; the "perfect world" scenario I mention above is not a possible feat.  I'm here to tell you you're wrong.  The Records Management Group of the Washington Public Utility Districts Association is proud to introduce the WPUDA "RIM Energy" blog.  Our mission is to provide a peer network that includes education, training opportunities, RIM insight, and a collaborative discussion space.  We also encourage personal and professional growth from all of our members.  Setting goals, networking with your peers, communicating the importance of records and information management will lead to greatness.  The more you talk the more people will listen.  It may come slowly, but alas, it will come.  I look forward to sharing with and learning from each and every one of you.

All the best,

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